The Amazing Colours and Textures of Nature

Bee on Lavender

When it comes to photography, I have a lot of differing tastes. I don’t just mean photographic genres, bur rather images that appeal to me. I like good composition and storytelling as much as the next person, but I also have an affiliation for colour and texture. And sometimes, Nature provides us with an abundance of both of these.

There’s a wonderful place near to where I live called Airfield, which I’ve covered many times before. It’s an urban farm which has both animals and a wide variety of both flowers and vegetables. It’s kind of an odd thing to see in the middle of a city (or city suburbs anyway), but it’s actually pretty cool to have all these species in one spot thats easily accessible. It’s also a great place to go and photograph.

This series was taken back in may on a slightly overcast day. The cloud cover acting like a giant soft box, allowed me to capture the subtle and intricate textures of the plants. It also made some of the more vibrant colours pop.

I’m sure that to some people these aren’t the most interesting photos, but sometimes it’s good to take things that you like, even if they don’t appeal to others. But as I said at the start, it’s the colours, the textures and the patterns that appeal to me.

Incidentally, one of the other interesting things about a place like this is that it’s always changing. I was up there again recently, and many of these flowers are now gone, with different blooms happening, and some of the vegetables are nearing harvest time. It’s a constant reminder of the circle of life, and it’s a way of seeing how we’re connected to nature and the seasons.

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