Posts in Street
Street Photo Diary Issue 18: NY&DC Edition

A few years ago my wife and I spent a few weeks in New York and Washington DC. I had a great time there and I took the time to get lots of photos. While I’ve posted many from the trip int he past, I was generally focussing on the more “Travel” kind of photos. Recently I was going back over these images and I realised that I have shots from the trip that would fall into the “Street” genre. 

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Street Photo Diary: Issue 17 - Vintage Edition

As I mentioned on my main blog recently, I've been scanning in lots of my old negatives and slide film recently. One of the patterns that's emerged from looking at my old shots is that I had an interest in Street Photography even from the early days of my photographic interests. Of course I didn't know it was a genre called "Street Photograhy" at the time. I just like taking pictures around the city. Most of these were taken between 15-20 years ago, on my trusty Canon Eos 5.

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Street Photography Diary: Issue 16

Summer has come to Ireland, and unusually we're having a prolonged spell of good weather. The up side of that, for the photographer is that with it comes some really nice light, at least if you know where to look. The other advantage, well for me anyway, is that it makes me get out. I fond it hard to look outside and see the beautiful sunshine, and not take my camera and go outside.

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Street Photography Diary: Issue 15

It's been a while since I've done one of these Street Photo diary posts. The last one was in March and it's now may. I haven't been doing as much street photography as I would like lately. For one, I was focussing on some writing, and getting my Iridient Developer book out. Secondly, because of all the lovely nature blooming around the city and the surrounding areas, I've been doing a lot more nature photography. I finally took my camera back to the streets recently though, and set about capturing the life around me.

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